Hello from Montana:
As many of you know, I work with Hospice occasionally, especially gathering end of life stories. It is a sacred work and one that helps bring closure to a person’s time on this earth. Most people are not afraid to die, but are afraid to have died in vain. they want to know they will be remembered and that they somehow contributed to the universal cause of making it a better world.
Nothing Would Be the Same If You Did Not Exist
By gathering the little tales of triumph and tragedy, it is possible to see how a pattern of ones lives develops. We are all connected, and we are all affected and touched by the decision and even the existence of those around us.
There was a study done with elderly patients some time ago in Berkley asking them their main regrets in life. In different words, but similar meaning every life story I have conduced comes down to these three regrets:
- I wish I would have risked more. My own mother said that she choose the unknown when the known would have been fine.
- I wish I would have reflected more. Actually taken the time to stop and smell the roses and to determine; “Is this who I want to be? Is this where I want to go” Is this the kind of person I admire?”
- I wish I would have contributed more. This quality is not necessarily sharing money, even though that is important. But it is also sharing emotions, thoughts and encouragement to others.
Many studies of older Americans find that one of the best predictors of happiness is whether a person considers his or her life to have a purpose. Without a clearly defined purpose, seven in ten
people feel unsettled and nervous about their lives. Those who have determined that they do indeed have a purpose and they had added value and meaning to the world are content with their lives, no matter how much time they have left.
I have confidence in your purpose. It is a pleasure to connect our spirits in this community of kind, thoughtful people who want respect for all the world.
Judy Helm Wright, aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship author and keynote speaker

Hi Judy, I found you through Connies blog challenge.. those regrets are really food for thought!
great post!